
J2 is not a phone"'

This article is a reprint from [fake] magazine. The author of the original has allowed us to publish the entire article with only one limitation. He states that all facts are fictive and should not be spread to naïve viewers on the world wide web. ...especially not to those who are anxiously waiting to replace their [brand] smartphone.

It is highly irregular to compare the release of an electronic device with the making of a classic work of art. Therefore we usually refrain from such practices, so even in this case.


J2 - Careful what you wish for"'

One of the rules that guides my life is "be happy with the scraps you get". There has been few times that I have wished upon a star if you know what I mean. But even a blind chicken stumbles upon some corn.

The Jolla phone was one of those rare occasions. It took years of wishful thinking to finally get a complete Linux system in a phone form factor. ...and it didn't take a miracle either, just some Finnish sisu.

The days pass and the Jolla is my main phone. My only one to be honest. It goes where I go and serves me well.

So it was only logical to start hoping for a smaller phone that my fiancé and our two children could use. My head has been orbiting that task for most of this year, you know that. During all those hours thinking about the smaller phone for my loved ones, the thought of the next phone for myself has been put aside in a more shadowy part of my soul. Wishing for oneself is dangerous and should be avoided.

But today I will make an exception to that rule.


An old friend left behind"'

The train dropped me off at the rural station building. People that I almost knew spread out into the nearby village with uncertain waves of hands. It was sort of a homecoming but my heart was elsewhere. The kids had their own lives now and there had been nobody to move into our old house.

We once had bees here by the station. Nobody knew, except the fantastic old lady that used to own the building, of course. She loved the honey we gave her every spring and she even loved the bees. The tiny garden had been neglected both before and after her time there but you should have seen it when it was hers. I missed the talks we had about life and all that hardware we had to make life comfortable.

Like our phones. It was those who kept us in touch, up to speed and alive, in that order. And she was the one cracking the whip for more technology. Imagine that.

The old spruce tree was still there on the other side of the track. It marked the beginning of our site. I listened to my headset to hear the muffled knocking when my phone reached the wireless network. I hadn't been here for almost a year. Would it still talk to me?


A Jolla phone for my daughter

I received my Jolla phone in January '14. The last step of the delivery gave me (and the Swedish postal service) some problems but the late Christmas gift to myself reached its final destination safely anyway. Wonder why it had to take the detour to Roissy?

As soon as the advanced Linux-based smartphone became my main phone people could see the changes. This was the first time I could carry a complete computer in a pocket. ...and my daughter inherited a better phone too.

I love my daughter. She surprises me all the time. One of these surprises was that she didn't wish for an expensive new phone. She was eagerly waiting for my old phone. And why not? The Nokia 700 still is a very nice device. She is an almost as heavy user as I am.

But during this year her phone has started to deteriorate. It was used from the start and it is a Symbian device so Microsoft is slowly "letting it go". So sooner rather than later she will need something better to carry in her pocket. ...and she likes my Jolla, so... 


Ekotankar inspirerade av sportbilar

De som känner mig vet att jag gillar sportbilar från Lotus. Lilla Elise och syskonet Exige var de som fångade mitt intresse men om jag fick drömma skulle jag vilja köra en sobert silvermetallic Lotus Europa 2.0 SE.

Dessutom är Lotus slogan skitbra. Performance through light weight (prestanda genom låg vikt).

Den tanken går som en röd tråd genom mitt liv, åtminstone när jag dagdrömmer...


En ren bisak i sammanhanget

Äntligen. Alla tankar och funderingar börjar materialisera sig. Planer håller på att gå i lås och nervositeten får hjärtat att slå lite snabbare.

För naturligtvis är man aldrig helt redo för det som man sedan kastar sig in i.

I mitt fall handlar det om att skaffa husdjur.


jollaDesk - eller hur en dator kan se ut snart

Skaffade mig en ny telefon för ett tag sedan. Som alltid när man gör sån't så får man spendera lite tid för att lära sig det nya med den. Skillnaden för mig är att jag valde att skaffa mig en finsk telefon med eget operativsystem. Jag har inte glömt mitt mål att sträva mot lättare packning både hemmavid och på vandring. I själva verket är min nya telefon en del i den strävan. Tidigare har jag varit tvungen att ta med mig åtminstone en liten laptop när jag styrt min kos bort från lägenheten, men det behöver jag inte göra nu. Telefonen jag köpt mig har ett fullständigt linux-system i sig.

Min nya Jolla-mobil kör SailfishOS.

Jolla har en ovanlig affärsidé som ligger väldigt nära det ideal som driver utbytet med öppen källkod, den globala samling datanissar som på svengelska kallas open-source-världen. Vi som köpt en Jolla är inte bara kunder utan vi har också osedvanligt mycket att säga till om då det gäller både mjuk- och hårdvara. ...och eftersom jag som nyårslöfte bestämde mig för att ge mer av min tid till just open-source-communityn så har en hel del tid gått åt till att uttrycka mina önskningar i Jollas forum "Together".